Tuesday, June 16, 2009


School is finally out for the kids. Our last day is tomorrow. I can't believe that our school year lasts so long. At least this year seemed like a long year. Today I sent my resume to a school closer to my house, Middletown Middle School. In fact, it's the school that Molly will go to next year. It would be so convenient, but we'll see what happens.
Today was a big day for the Donald girls. It was Blair's last day at the middle school, Molly's last day at the elementary school, and Brooke's last day at the primary school. Next year, all three girls will be in the youngest grade in their schools - 9th, 6th, and 3rd. Everyone seems to be excited to be moving on. I can't believe that they are growing up so fast! Brooke is sitting beside me now watching as I type this, and she is promising to always be my baby!
Anyway, we're glad that summer is finally here. Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. May God bless Bev and Jerry and their family and grant them a great adventure and a safe journey as they see the grand country that is the USA. Love, Nana
