Today we went into Bryce Canyon. We had driven to Ruby's Best Western last night which is just outside the canyon, so there really wasn't any drive to get there. Of course, the first thing we did was the visitor center and their "award-winning" film. Then we walked a 1.3 mile loop into the canyon. The weather was really nice, about 70 degrees. We just started walking down this path, which was really cool, but we had no idea where we were going. So Jerry stopped and asked this couple if we were on a loop, or if we needed to turn around. The lady answered that
"Me too!"
"Me too!"
"Actually, Middletown."
"Me too!"
This couple was from Middletown, MD! I was ready to give her a hug because she was from home! We figured out that we were on a loop and we both went on our way. I was really neat!
Bryce Canyon was really beautiful. It may be our favorite so far. After our loop, which was a hike climbing back up about 1000 feet from the bottom of the canyon to the top at 8000 ft. Then we had a picnic lunch and got ready for our mule ride to the bottom of the canyon. That was also great. The mules liked to walk near the ridge of the canyon which
was a bit disconcerting going down. And we had to stop
for "pit stops" whenever the mule decided to relieve himself. The two-hour ride went really quickly. But
when we were finished, we had mushy tushies! Tawn was our guide, and he took our picture before we got off of our mules.
Jerry rode Goose, I rode Sweet Pea, Blair rode Fester,
Molly rode Tonya, and Brooke Hoot. The girls did a great job and didn't complain at all.
Okay, that is so crazy about the Middletown woman. go figure. The mule ride sounds fun, if scary, and Fester is the best mule name, ever.