Thursday, Jan. 7, I had a bone marrow test.
Before any cancer treatment starts, the bone marrow is tested to see if the cancer has progressed to the bone marrow. When I was first diagnosed, I had a bone marrow test. Because I was so anxious about it, I took two valium before it started, and the test didn't seem very painful. I had heard terrible stories about the pain of the test, and how it was the worst pain that some people had ever experienced. I didn't find the first test bad at all.
When I had my regular six-month cancer check this December, Jerry and I stopped at a restaurant, Clyde's, in Rockville. Since I had been told at my doctor's appointment earlier that day that I would need to start chemo, I decided to try a new cocktail. I had an appletini (an apple martini), and it was delicious. I also had a cosmopolitan, but I enjoyed the appletini a little more. My friend, Sallie, had introduced me to the restaurant earlier in December when I had gone to Georgetown for my MRI. Clyde's is a nice restaurant in Rockville with great sandwiches. I had never had a martini lunch before, but after being told that I had to start chemo and I having Jerry as my driver, I decided to have one!
Back to the bone marrow test. Since the first test didn't seem too bad. I decided to forgo the valium, which does make me sleepy, and just have the test done. Then, I thought that when it was finished, Jerry and I could go back to Clyde's, and I would have another appletini.
First of all, the traffic to Georgetown University Hospital was terrible. At the doctor's, one person said that there had been a bad accident; another person reported a murder. Anyway, everyone was late, and the appointments were backed up. Jerry and I waited over 1 1/2 hours before I got called back to the room. I was starting to get a little nervous, but not too bad.
The test got started, and my bone marrow wouldn't cooperate, which means that none of my bone marrow could be pulled into the needle. It was painful, but it didn't last too long. She tried twice, but had no luck. Then she took the bone sample. That was really painful. Probably for only about 30 seconds, but it really did hurt. During this painful 30 seconds, Jerry whispered into my ear, applitini! Once the test was finished, I was able to see the 1 inch sliver of bone that was removed. It looked similar to a 1 inch pencil lead.
Jerry and I left Georgetown and headed for Clyde's. I did get an applitini. It was delicious, but when I have to get my next bone marrow test, I'm going to skip the martini and have the valium!
Ah-HA, you're back. I sure wish it was to write adventure stories that don't involve the phrase "bone marrow."