Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Harry Potter at Universal

On Sunday, we headed back to Universal with the plan of heading straight to Adventure Island to the Harry Potter part of the park. We arrived very early and there was not a wait into that section of the park. We rode the rides and shopped without waiting in lines. Sunday is definitely the best day to go to the Harry Potter section of the park! The best ride, which takes place in the castle, starts with the hall that has pictures that talks to the audience. If you have read the books, you'll understand how people in pictures move and talk. As you walk through the castle before you get to the ride, you see Dumbledore's office and other neat parts of the Harry Potter story.

After the Harry Potter ride, we went to Hosmeade to eat. We had a great English dinner with Butter Beer to drink. The butterbeer tasted like butterrum. It was much better frozen.

Here's a great picture of the castles. The tops are skinny and snowy, and look great. Not we had expected, but still fabulous!

After the busy morning, we went to Athos to eat. The food was delicious.

Monday, August 2, 2010


It's Monday night, and we're home. We went to Kennedy Space Center on Saturday, back to Universal on Sunday, and then drove home today. It's 10:00, and we're all ready to go to our own rooms to sleep. Blair was excited about being able to go to the bathroom without "lining the seat!" We didn't hug each other before going to our rooms this year like last, but we did all cheer when we drove across the Maryland state line. Nana had left homemade potato salad, cut-up watermelon, homemade pie, milk, and bread in the fridge. We were all so thankful. We will write more tomorrow.